How to Create Animated Callout Titles for Final Cut Pro with Apple Motion 5

Animated callouts are one of the most effective ways to add descriptions to elements in your videos. They are perfect for adding that professional touch to any type of video project that you have in mind.
Callouts titles can be created with Apple Motion 5 easily. In this video, we will show you how to create animated callout graphics with Apple Motion 5. 

We have also made 12 customizable callouts which are available for you to download for free to use in your video projects. 
To use these callouts in Apple Motion 5, simply add them to your Motion 5 Library and from there, you can drag and drop any callout to your Motion project. This tutorial will take you through the steps of how to use our 12 free customizable callouts in Apple Motion 5:

If you are a Final Cut Pro user, you can also turn these callouts into templates to use in Final Cut Pro.